Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $39.00.

Guideline for Determining the Extent of External Vessel Corrosion on Foam Insulated MC-331 Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Tank Trailers

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
CGA 06/06/2022 22

Tips: This document only available in PDF format.


CGA P-94 – Guideline for Determining the Extent of External Vessel Corrosion on Foam Insulated MC-331 Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Tank Trailers

This publication establishes guidelines for the removal of insulation and the inspection of the vessel exterior on foam insulated carbon steel MC-331 carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide tank trailers.

It is recommended that any time a trailer is reinsulated, the pressure vessel be inspected for corrosion so problems can be identified, prevented, and/or repaired before the shell thickness is less than the minimum required thickness.

$65.00 Original price was: $65.00.$39.00Current price is: $39.00.