ACI 440.1R PDF

Original price was: $113.50.Current price is: $68.00.

Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars

Published by Publication Date Number of Pages
ACI 03/01/2015 88

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ACI 440.1R – Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Bars

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) materials have emerged as analternative for producing reinforcing bars for concrete structures.Fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcing bars offer advantages oversteel reinforcement because they are noncorrosive. Some FRPbars are nonconductive as well. Due to other differences in thephysical and mechanical behavior of FRP materials versus steel,unique guidance on the engineering and construction of concretestructures reinforced with FRP bars is necessary. Other countriesand regions, such as Japan, Canada, and Europe have establisheddesign and construction guidelines specifically for the use of FRPbars as concrete reinforcement. This guide offers general informationon the history and use of FRP reinforcement, a descriptionof the unique material properties of FRP, and guidelines for thedesign and construction of structural concrete members reinforcedwith FRP bars. This guide is based on the knowledge gained fromworldwide experimental research, analytical work, and field applicationsof FRP reinforcement.





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ACI 440.1R PDF
$113.50 Original price was: $113.50.$68.00Current price is: $68.00.